Pastoral Care - a ministry, not a committee
The ministry of caring is at the heart of the church's life. It may include hospital visitation, counseling, and ministries of shared presence, listening, and support. This vital heartbeat of our congregation – of shared presence, listening and support offered by clergy and laity alike to those in need - has had to be re-imagined this past year during the pandemic. New channels of communications have been opened to keep us connected with one another and the needs of the congregation.
In the teachings of the church we are reminded that the church pursues its mission “as it prays and worships, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.” Prayer is an essential part of being the church, and deepens our connections to the call to love others, love ourselves, and love God. While it is the regular practice that we pray for ourselves and one another when gathering for worship, we wish to be more expansive in offering to God our very lives, and our life together, across this family. As a people of God, SEA Episcopal offers prayers for those of the church, the community and the world who are in need. There are many ways that we offer prayerful support. One way is through the 'Ministry of Intercession' that allows us to care for, and lift up the needs of person within our community, as well as families and friends. Our Weekly Prayer List is the place where these petitions land and are tended to.
Additionally, prayer requests are listed in the SEA Episcopal Weekly Announcements so others may join in offering prayers. Intercessions are then made, again, during our Sunday Worship in the Prayers of the People. We offer prayers of thanksgiving, prayers for healing, prayers of appreciation for prayers answered, and prayers for the ministries of our community's time, talent and treasure. Everyone is invited to add petitions to the Weekly Prayer List. Click here to add a petition.
As the community came to each other increasingly for prayers (praise God!) we recognized that many for whom we were praying were outside our viewing-participating community. We created a Prayer Card that is sent to the person for whom we are praying – sent on behalf of “the people of SEA Episcopal Church” that lets them know we are praying for them and their family.
Additionally, prayer requests are listed in the SEA Episcopal Weekly Announcements so others may join in offering prayers. Intercessions are then made, again, during our Sunday Worship in the Prayers of the People. We offer prayers of thanksgiving, prayers for healing, prayers of appreciation for prayers answered, and prayers for the ministries of our community's time, talent and treasure. Everyone is invited to add petitions to the Weekly Prayer List. Click here to add a petition.
As the community came to each other increasingly for prayers (praise God!) we recognized that many for whom we were praying were outside our viewing-participating community. We created a Prayer Card that is sent to the person for whom we are praying – sent on behalf of “the people of SEA Episcopal Church” that lets them know we are praying for them and their family.
Intersessions / Weekly Prayer List can be found here >
During the week, congregants who have joined the SEA Episcopal Back Office (Slack) have access to #letuspray. This has become an important avenue for prayer requests and in the past year it was here that our community was able to stay connected during the week most often, seeking prayers for loved ones, for the country, for friends of friends, and co-workers. The petitions that are posted in #letusprayer are integrated into the Weekly Prayer list, read on Sunday and published in the Announcements. Petitions were also accepted in the Comment section of our Facebook Page. during live streaming services.
Telecare Prayer Team
TeleCare Prayer Ministry is a lay-led, lay-driven pastoral ministry that expresses SEA Episcopal's care and concern to every member—and “permanent visitor”—on our parish membership list. The team meets monthly to pray together then call our pew mates, ask how they are doing and if there's anything we - their church family - can pray with and/or for at this time. We've done this this past year from a Zoom room - the team gathers, prays, then when calls get underway we mute ourselves but we can still see each other, which offers the team encouragement in seeing one another engaged in conversation with one of our pew mates. Petitions that are offered or discovered are added to our Intercessory Weekly Prayer List. If you'd like to join this team of prayer warriors, please click here.
Sunday Worship Liturgies with Pastoral emphasis
House Blessing: In this season wherein we are gathering for Sunday worship from different locations and online, we found our homes to have been purposed for sacred worship. Traditionally, Home blessings occur at Epiphany on January 6. We offered a Home Blessing at the front end of this virtual season, blessing our homes and at the same time, blessing the homes of our pew mates - all on Zoom and all live and interactive. Later, at Epiphany, we blessed again our homes, marking our front doors as Christ’s by means of “Chalking the Doors”.
Back to School Sunday: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Staff were honored and featured in a special service. Prayer Cards (backpack tags) BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING were given along with a gift card for school supplies. To the littles of St. Andrew’s preschool, we presented a Table Grace book comprised of family prayers from our congregation for use in their homes at mealtime.
Blessing of the Animals: Congregants sent in photos of their one, two, three, four and no-legged creatures that were posted in front of the table. The animals were ‘virtually’ prayed over and blessed.
Back to School Sunday: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Staff were honored and featured in a special service. Prayer Cards (backpack tags) BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING were given along with a gift card for school supplies. To the littles of St. Andrew’s preschool, we presented a Table Grace book comprised of family prayers from our congregation for use in their homes at mealtime.
Blessing of the Animals: Congregants sent in photos of their one, two, three, four and no-legged creatures that were posted in front of the table. The animals were ‘virtually’ prayed over and blessed.
Not so Random Acts of Kindness and Pastoral Presence
Throughout this season of distance, pew mates have stepped up to make home deliveries to others in our congregation not able to get to our church buildings for fellowship or for communion bread, blessing cups, Sunday bulletins, bible study outlines and other seasonal materials used for our common life. This ministry will continue as we come together in-person, especially on Sundays when Home Communion Visits by trained Eucharistic Ministers will be sent out.
Other Pastoral Care Ministries
Volunteers are needed for each of these ministries - some have already begun, others on our prayer list to get started. Please click here if interested in organizing or participating.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Trained lay members go out with blessed sacraments bringing communion to those who are unable to attend church services.
Laying on of Hands: Intercessory prayers are offered on behalf of those who come forward to the Healing Stations after receiving communion at Sunday services.
Bereavement Ministry: The Bereavement Ministry provides compassionate support to individuals in the congregation who are experiencing grief through the death of a loved one.
Meals Ministry:A team of Pastoral Care members provides home made meals to those in times of illness, bereavement or transition.
Knitting Ministry: Knitters and crocheters make prayer shawls, afghans and blankets for those in need of a loving touch.
Prayer Card Ministry: This group obtains names from the Telecare Prayer Team and sends cards and notes with caring thoughts for a variety of needs.
Flower Ministry: Small bouquets are prepared from the altar flowers for delivery by parishioners to anyone with a pastoral care need. Pick up bouquets, as available, at coffee hour - or call the church office to reserve one.
Ministry of Intercession: A group of SEA Episcopal members are devoted to the ministry of daily prayer of intercession on behalf of those who need strength, solace, or who celebrate a blessing.
Transportation Ministry: Arranging transportation to appointments.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Trained lay members go out with blessed sacraments bringing communion to those who are unable to attend church services.
Laying on of Hands: Intercessory prayers are offered on behalf of those who come forward to the Healing Stations after receiving communion at Sunday services.
Bereavement Ministry: The Bereavement Ministry provides compassionate support to individuals in the congregation who are experiencing grief through the death of a loved one.
Meals Ministry:A team of Pastoral Care members provides home made meals to those in times of illness, bereavement or transition.
Knitting Ministry: Knitters and crocheters make prayer shawls, afghans and blankets for those in need of a loving touch.
Prayer Card Ministry: This group obtains names from the Telecare Prayer Team and sends cards and notes with caring thoughts for a variety of needs.
Flower Ministry: Small bouquets are prepared from the altar flowers for delivery by parishioners to anyone with a pastoral care need. Pick up bouquets, as available, at coffee hour - or call the church office to reserve one.
Ministry of Intercession: A group of SEA Episcopal members are devoted to the ministry of daily prayer of intercession on behalf of those who need strength, solace, or who celebrate a blessing.
Transportation Ministry: Arranging transportation to appointments.