September 17, 2022 A celebration of a New Ministry
Bishop Marc Andrus instituting The Rev. David Grant Smith as our new Vicar at SEA Episcopal Church
The Rev. DR. Lyn Bowdish Served as St. Elizabeth's Vicar from 1981 to 2010
The Rev. Deborah Hawkins Rev. Deborah Hawkins came to us in June 2010, originally as an interim Vicar and was named our permanent Vicar in October 2011, sharing her duties with St. Elizabeth's in South San Francisco and St. Andrews in San Bruno.
Video of March 15, 2020, streamed service. The Rev. Debarah Hawkins last service before retiring.
The Rev. Lisa Biersch Cole SEA Episcopal Church Interim Priest from March 2020 - July 2021
SEA Church did not have a Vicar from August 2021 until December 2021 our spiritual needs were met with various supply Priests'.
The Rev. David Grant Smith David joined SEA Episcopal Church as our Vicar in December 2021
Bishop Marc Andrus Instituting The Rev. David Grant Smith as our new Vicar at SEA Episcopal Church 9/17/2022