Safe Harbor – On the first Sunday of each month members of the congregation make 100 bag lunches for the guests of Safe Harbor shelter. Many people donate time and money to keep this ministry flourishing. In December we host a Christmas Party at the shelter providing guests with crafts, food, fellowship and music. Ten percent of our annual rummage sale proceeds go directly to support this ministry.
St. Martin de Porres – a small and faithful group helps serve lunch once a month at St. Martin de Porres in San Francisco. 4th Saturday of each month.
Soap Ministry – bars of soap are delivered to the Grace Covenant food closet
Food Barrel – regular donations of food donated on Sunday mornings and by Preschool families are delivered to Second Harvest and Samaritan House.
Eye glasses – are donated and given to the Lyon’s Club a few times a year.
Camp St. Andrew’s – We support the camp by providing meeting and training facilities.
Foster Child – We sponsor a Foster Child in South America through Compassion International.
St. Martin de Porres – a small and faithful group helps serve lunch once a month at St. Martin de Porres in San Francisco. 4th Saturday of each month.
Soap Ministry – bars of soap are delivered to the Grace Covenant food closet
Food Barrel – regular donations of food donated on Sunday mornings and by Preschool families are delivered to Second Harvest and Samaritan House.
Eye glasses – are donated and given to the Lyon’s Club a few times a year.
Camp St. Andrew’s – We support the camp by providing meeting and training facilities.
Foster Child – We sponsor a Foster Child in South America through Compassion International.